Data Protection European Day and security rating

Today is Data Protection Day in Europe and, as security rating agency, we want to contribute to the acts organized, in  Europe but, also in Spain. It is sadly to say that privacy protection and doubts about vendor compliance levels are, evidently, stopping cloud services adoption by the industry. For this reason, we have thought that our contribution to privacy today should be remember how using a security rating servie could help us to solve these doubts. As we have commented before (link), to help potential cloud users to choose the service that better fits their needs, leet has included specific ratings that serve to show data privacy legislation compliance (at present, only with Spanish Law). These ratings can be identified by the '+' character. In this way, services with a rating in confidential security dimension of:

  • 'D+' only are suitable for low level data processing.
  • 'C+' could process medium level data.
  • 'B+' or 'A+' would be the only ones for high level data processing.

So, remember: If you want to contract cloud services to process personal data, please ask your provider  for the suitable rating level. You can follow us on